19 July 2015

Bob Mould "Modulate" (2002)

release date: Mar. 12, 2002
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,32]
producer: Bob Mould
label: Granary Music - nationality: USA

Best track: 1. "180 Rain"

5th solo album by Bob Mould following 3½ years after The Last Dog and Pony Show (Aug. '98). After his proclaimed retirement as a musician and what may have been a low-point in his personal life, he took up music again. I guess, he may have realized how much it was a natural part in him.
Well, thanks for returning, Bob, but with this he has turned to electronic synth! Although, I really like the first song "180 Rain" [despite heavy use of vocoder], the overall impression is not good. Some tracks have fine ideas, drum sequences or synth loops but it's just... experiments, and nothing really seems finished. Shortly after this he released the album Long Playing Grooves under his pseudonym LoudBomb where he apparently goes further into electronic. But bottom line: this is his first album off... 'anything' - the first in a long series of mediocre or just lesser albums until he re-submerged in 2012 with the fine Silver Age.
[ allmusic.com 2 / 5 stars ]