03 May 2014

The Chemical Brothers "Come Wih Us" (2002)

Come With Us
release date: Jan. 28, 2002
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,76]
producer: The Chemical Brothers
label: Freestyle Dust / Virgin - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 3. "Galaxy Bounce" - 4. "Star Guitar" (4 / 5)

4th studio album by The Chemical Brothers. The album is not as great as the first three but how could they continue on that level? This album still contains a few great tracks, especially the more big beat styled "Star Guitar" but there's simply too much tribal house inspiration that I just don't like and the duo has given much wider room for other artists on the various tracks making it sound like a mixtape or compilation. "Star Guitar" could easily have been included on Surrender (1999) but the title track, "It Began in Afrika", "My Elastic Eye", and "Denmark" are new stylistic changes that I just don't get.
[ allmusic.com, Rolling Stone, PopMatters 4 / 5, Q Magazine 3,5 / 5, Uncut 2,5 / 5 stars ]