25 December 2017

Kent "Jag är inte rädd för mörkret" (2012)

Jag är inte rädd för mörkret
release date: Apr. 25, 2012
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,62]
producer: Kent, Stefan Boman
label: Sonet Records - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "999" (4 /5) - 2. "Petroleum" - 4. "Jag ser dig" (4 / 5) (live) - 5. "Tänd på" - 6. "Beredd på allt" - 8. "Färger på natten" - 9. "Låt dom komma" - 10. "Hänsyn" (4,5 / 5)

10th studio album release by Kent who is back to a two year shift between albums. This is the first time I think the band hasn't been able to reinvent themselves with great success. Undoubtedly, the album is more than just fine. The single tracks are rather good song writing, and the whole thing is really well-produced and everything. Maybe I shouldn't pay too much attention to the expectation about new music and / or new stylistic progress. After all, many artists, Van Morrison, Bruce Springsteen, and new chamber pop / indie pop bands like The National and Tindersticks may face fine reviews when they release music that fans expect to be within certain boundaries. My own expectations to this album are just a bit unfulfilled 'cause Kent has proven to be a band that keeps searching new territories - they have accustomed their fans to exactly that, and then this time they sort of... stay on the track of En plats i solen, which, after all, is a warm and shiny spot... So why the sulky face? This is good! Though,... Yes yes, I know!
Highlights are "999", "Jag ser dig", both uptempo tracks that are meant to be played LOUD, and then the astonishing "Hänsyn", which is really up there among the very best of Kent ballads ever.

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