07 December 2014

Thin Lizzy "Fighting" (1975)

release date: Sep. 12, 1975
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,15]
producer: Phil Lynott
label: Vertigo Records - nationality: Ireland

Track highlights: 1. "Rosalie" - 3. "Suicide" - 4. "Wild One" - 7. "Spirit Slips Away" (3,5 / 5) - 9. "Freedom Song"

5th studio album by Thin Lizzy. Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson are more upfront on this album and it comes out as the first Thin Lizzy album with its characteristic sonic style founded on two dominant electric guitars. It's clearly better than the band's earliest albums, the style may be there, but I don't find that the songs are that interesting.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]