27 July 2020

Pearl Jam "Gigaton" (2020)


release date: Mar. 27, 2020
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,98]
producer: Josh Evans
label: Monkeywrench Records - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Who Ever Said" - 3. "Dance of the Clairvoyants" - 4. "Quick Escape" - 8. "Take the Long Way"

11th studio album by Pearl Jam is the band's first album in seven years and its first with producer Josh Evans, who is credited as studio guitar crew on Lightning Bolt (2013).
Pearl Jam seems long ago to have come to terms with the fact that they don't need to evolve and make music that satisfy themselves but have settled with spitting out albums that fans will like - be it a never-ending list of live albums, 'best of', 'most of' and albums that look back at various earlier steps in their long career. And no, you do not have to evolve. There's no artistic law to abide, but I guess, if you just try to take your art somewhere else than where you've already been, it may appear as you do it for art's sake and not just for the sake of your wallet. This is Pearl Jam playing some Pearl Jam-songs, and that's Okay.
Admittedly, I've never been a huge fan of this 'great' American orchestra. To me, they've always existed there somewhere in between [terrible] Guns N' Roses, the many American heart rock outings, who seek to balance pop with rock by yelling out loudly and making a big stir, and due parts of influence from European and Australian heavy [metal] rock artists, whom I never payed much attention to. In that perspective I've always admired Vedder's vocal but at the same time felt disillusioned by too many album fillers. So, without containing new classic songs and without being anything near great, Gigaton falls in the anonymous better half of the band's eleven studio albums as it's nevertheless something as rare as a coherent Pearl Jam studio album, only without great compositions. But if you just luv the sound of Pearl Jam, this is probably going to be a fine investment 'cause it doesn't even try to go anywhere else than down the familiar freeway they have run down many times before.
Not recommended.