20 June 2018

Sigur Rós "Route One" (2017)

Route One
release date: Dec. 2017 (re-released Apr. 27, 2018)
format: digital (8 x File, FLAC)
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,12]
producer: Sigur Rós
label: self-released - nationality: Iceland

Remix album by Sigur Rós, or at least a special type of remix album. The band broadcast their more than 1300K road trip around Iceland's ring road in the Summer of 2016 live on YouTube, while using software to make continous remixes of one original composition - "Óveður". Eight of these were then selected for this remix album.
I find the project fascinating, especially as a full audio-visual experience but as is often the case with soundtracks, the audio part alone may suffer from the missing dimension, and that's what I find is at stake with Route One. The compositions are not only instrumentals but they're also held in a mostly ambient style, which makes the end result quite coherent but also challenging as a full listen from start to finish.
One of the band's lesser releases.
In May 2018, Route One was followed by the project Liminal, which was an attempt to make an 'endless mixtape' they would add new pieces to over time, and in Sep. 2018 the band made an announcement that drummer Orri Dýrason had left the band - practically leaving the band reduced to a duo of Jónsi and Georg Hólm.