12 October 2016

M.I.A. "AIM" (2016)

release date: Sep. 9, 2016
format: digital (Deluxe - 17 x File, FLAC)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,60]
producer: M.I.A., various
label: Interscope - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Borders" - 2. "Go Off" - 3. "Bird Song (Blaqstarr Remix)" - 5. "Freedun (feat. Zayn)" (4 / 5) - 6. "Foreign Friend (feat. Dexta Daps)" - 7. "Finally" - 10. "Visa" - 12. "Survivor"

5th studio album by M.I.A. is like the predecessor Matangi (2013) a collection of songs written and produced by M.I.A. in collaboration with many others, including Diplo, Skrillex, and Blaqstarr to mention just a few. The standard album contains twelve tracks, the Deluxe version 17 tracks.
The style and her choice of narratives are more or less the same as on her 2013 album, and without just being a copy of that, I think she still contributes with some fine compositions that is more than just danceable music.
AIM was met by luke-warm reviews, some stating she has released a bunch of lesser and unfocused songs instead of creating what she's capable of. I honestly think, it betters Matangi, although, it doesn't quite reach the level of /\/\ /\ Y /\ (2010) nor her best album, Kala (2007). Track #2 and especially track #5 are some of her best songs ever but the consistency is not the biggest asset here, although, it's by no means a minor release.
As always, M.I.A makes music with contemporary concern and her narratives are always a recommended listen.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, The Guardian, Rolling Stone 3 / 5, NME 4 / 5 stars ]