17 May 2018

The National "Trouble Will Find Me" (2013)

Trouble Will Find Me
release date: May 17, 2013
format: cd (CAD3315CD)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Aaron & Bryce Dessner; Marcus Paquin (assoc. pro.)
label: 4AD Records - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "I Should Live in Salt" (4 / 5) (live) - 2. "Demons" - 3. "Don't Swallow the Cap" - 5. "Sea of Love" - 7. "This Is the Last Time" - 8. "Graceless" - 10. "I Need My Girl" (4,5 / 5) (live) - 12. "Pink Rabbits"

6th studio album by The National released three years after the fine High Violet now with the brothers Dessner in charge of production flanked by Marcus Paquin. The band follows an interval of a three-year period in between studio albums it appears, which may seem like a releatively long time but is perfectly acceptable when they come up with material like this.
The album is like a visit from an old friend. It's the collection of nice, energetic and heartfelt compositions, and it's a familiar blend of their pleasant well-known indie pop / chamber pop-style in the segment of alt. rock, and as always with the dark laid-back narrating voice of Matt Berninger, who (still) reminds me somewhat of Stuart Staples of Tindersticks. He has also been compared with Nick Cave, which I don't quite understand aside from somewhat similar narratives.
Yes, this is another fine album by The National, although, it may not be quite as high flying as High Violet (2010), imho, their so far best album, but it's definitely a recommendable release, as well as a contender to their second best album overall.
[ allmusic.com, Spin 3,5 / 5, Rolling Stone, NME 4 / 5, The Guardian 5 / 5 stars ]