17 February 2013

Kate Bush "The Kick Inside" (1978)

2018 remaster
The Kick Inside [debut]
release date: Feb. 17, 1978
format: vinyl / cd / cd (2018 remaster)
[album rate: 4,5 / 5] [4,36]
producer: Andrew Powell
label: EMI - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Moving" (4 / 5) - 2. "The Saxophone Song" (5 / 5) - 4. "Kite" - 5. "The Man with the Child in His Eyes" (4,5 / 5) - 6. "Wuthering Heights" (5 / 5) - 7. "James and the Cold Gun" - 8. "Feel It" - 9. "Oh to Be in Love" - 11. "Them Heavy People"

Studio album debut by Kate Bush and what a stunning debut, and later that year: Lionheart (Nov. 1978). My gosh, she was so extremely talented, there's hardly words to describe it! She composed and wrote all songs on her own, and she was 19 when the debut was released and had only turned 20 when her second album was issued. Only too bad that the punk rock wave flooded everything and took away focus on progressive, art pop and all the traditional musical styles, and her whole persona came to appear old fashioned despite the greatness of the songs and the arrangements.
This is really an amazing debut.
After her first two albums, she toured the UK but apparently the experience was so overwhelmingly hard that she never again made another tour. However, she made 5 great albums in a row - from this, her debut, to Hounds of Love (1985) - what a release history! After her fifth studio album she slowed down on the musical production - and in my mind never again made another really great album.
The Kick Inside is like a rough diamond. Even if she had never released any music again, she would by this album only forever be remembered as a shining star and unique performer. Many have criticised her theatrical style, which is evident if you watch her early live performance or videos, and it was somewhat out of time, anachronistic, making you think of experimental ballet from late 1960s and early '70s. Well, she was just so talented and was inspired by many expressions of art. She wrote everything on her own and she played several instruments aside from owing an extremely powerful, well-balanced, and unequalled singing voice. I have always fancied her music but at times I get sort of full of her style and sound and has to leave it for a while, but only for a period of time, because I always return to these her first albums, which I truly enjoy as musical works of art. Naturally, the album is enlisted in various best of album lists comprising the best albums of all time.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 ]

(4,5 / 5)
The Kick Inside
(Feb. 1978)
(4 / 5)
(Nov. 1978)
(4 / 5)
Never for Ever
(Sep. 1980)
(4 / 5)
The Dreaming
(Sep. 1982)
(4 / 5)
Hounds of Love
(Sep. 1985)

5 great and essential albums by Kate Bush

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