08 November 2018

Bill Frisell "The Sweetest Punch" (1999)

The Sweetest Punch

release date: Sep. 21, 1999
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,96]
producer: Lee Townsend
label: Decca - nationality: USA

Studio album by American jazz fusion guitarist Bill Frisell is actually fully titled: The Sweetest Punch - The New Songs of Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach Arranged by Bill Frisell, and as the title suggests all songs (but one) are the songs released by Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach on their '98 collaboration album Painted From Memory. The Costello / Bacharach collaboration work included Costello sending Bacharach his demo takes of his half-finished compositions upon which Bacaharach would contribute with ideas for a music score and the two would then elaborate on the songs, however, Frisell was already introduced to the Costello demos, sent to him by Costello, and Frisell would then use these early sketches to compose / re-arrange them to his very own interpretations, and this albums is the result of that process and therefore not Frisell's arrangements of the finished album.
Costello is featuring vocalist on two tracks (#2 and 10) and Cassandra Wilson also on two (#5 and 10), and apart from these three vocal jazz arrangements all other compositions are held in a subtle big band jazz fusion-style.
Costello / Bacharach harvested critical acclaim for their collaboration album, which is a fine piece of work. This, however, is something entirely different, and I also think it comes out as the slightly better and essentially more well-founded whole. I really enjoyed the live album Deep Dead End (1995) by Costello and Frisell, which is why I was eager to check this one out, and I'm glad that I did 'cause I think that Frisell has made an even stronger album than the original Costello / Bacharach release. And then this release only follows four months after Frisell's fine Good Dog, Happy Man (May 1999).
These compositions are beautifully arranged and Frisell shines with his drops of elegant dozes of subtle jazz notes here and there. As a consequence of the recording process, where Frisell didn't know of the final Costello / Bacharach compositions before finishing his own recordings this album delivers on a different scale, and what a gem it truly is.
Highly recommended.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5 stars ]