20 May 2013

Lise Westzynthius "Rock, You Can Fly" (2004)

Rock, You Can Fly
release date: Mar. 22, 2004
format: cd (TRBL 111))
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,58]
producer: Ian Caple
label: Auditorium / Playground - nationality: Denmark

2nd studio album by Lise Westzynthius following 1½ years after Heavy Dream (Sep. 2002) is produced by Ian Caple, who amongst other things has worked with Saybia, Sort Sol (the Danish connection), Tindersticks, Suede, and The Creatures - an international producer name making his engagement on this a bit of a scoop. All twelve songs are credited Westzynthius and the album was recorded with a stable core of (primarily British) studio musicians. The total running time is close to 52 minutes.
Her debut album gave hints of originality but basically didn't come through as a strong coherent release. In contrast to that, Rock You Can Fly boasts with diversity and musical artistry on a level that immediately puts her on par with international names of electronic indie pop with a singer / songwriter edge. On earlier releases - with Luksus and on her debut - she took too strong inspirations from say Dolores O'Riordan or Morrissey, but here she appears mostly in her own original projection. It's predominantly in an introspective and ethereal corner of indie pop and the overall sensation is remarkably well-grounded, as if coming from someone who has released 5-7 albums prior to this. I think, with this Westzynthius really proves her worth as a solo artist, providing great expectations for upcoming albums.
This particular album is recommended as Westzynthius' best (ever) solo album.