06 October 2016

Kent "Hagnesta Hill" (1999)

Hagnesta Hill
release date: Dec. 6, 1999
format: cd (repress)
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,02]
producer: Zed (aka Zed Nagrano)
label: RCA / BMG Sweden - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Kungen är död" (4,5 / 5) - 2. "Revolt III" - 3. "Musik Non Stop" (4 / 5) - 4. "Kevlarsjäl" (5 / 5) - 7. "En himmelsk drog" - 8. "Stanna hos mig" - 10. "Beskyddaren" (4 / 5) - 13. "Visslaren"

4th studio album by Kent following two years after Isola is the band's second consecutive album to be produced by Zed [Nagrano]. Here the band has taken a stronger move into a tighter 1-2-3-4 indie pop universe. This time it has taken the band two years to get the new album ready.
Now we're talking. 'cause with this album Kent really proved to have moved another step up - on all parameters. With Hagnesta Hill Kent conquered all of Sweden's neighbouring countries, and the album became an immediate bestseller in the late '90s establishing a vast fan crowd throughout all of Scandinavia. The band has found its very own special formula and refined its unique style. The album contains both fine up-tempo pop / rock tracks as well as slower chamber pop ballads. The track "Musik Non Stop" is probably the most played track from the album, although, "Kungen är död" and "Kevlarsjäl" are my personal favourites.
As was the case with Isola, the album was re-issued as an English-versioned album after one year, which would be the last time Kent made attempts with lyrics in English. I have only heard outtakes of their translated English songs, but I have to say, I'm really happy they didn't pursue that path and make further attempts in satisfying what could only be commercial interests.
Highly recommendable.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 stars ]

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