08 October 2019

Papir "V" (2015)

release date: Aug. 18, 2017
format: digital (7 x File, FLAC)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,46]
producer: Lars Lundholm [rec.]; Carl Saff [mast.]; John McEntire [mix.]
label: Stickman Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "V.I" - 2 "V.II" - 3. "V.III" - 4. "V.IV" - 5. "V.V" - 7. "V.VII"

5th studio album by Papir following almost 3½ years after IIII (Feb. 2014) is the band's first on German label Stickman. They hold on to the formula of keeping compositions without other titles than a succession of numbers, but apart from that this new album actually reveal a progression in the band's soundscape, as opposed to what you may experience on their most recent three studio albums. The album consists of seven compositions - in physical form it has only been issued as double vinyl (with tracks #1-6) and a 2-cd release with a total running time exceeding 94 mins.
Musically, the band still embark the space rock and krautrock starship, but on this they have now established room for more diversity without loss of direction. It appears the change to a larger label has crystalised in narrowing in how to come through as a band on a mission. Some tracks would easily go as obvious post-rock beginnings, middles, or endings, but Papir just include various stylistic elements in a broad combo. Here, you'll notice bits of shoegaze and dreampop but everything is cleverly incorporated with their talent for colouring and in that way V is easily the band's so far most successful album, and in my mind, an album of international value.
Worth more than a listen.
[ SputnikMusic 4,2 / 5 stars ]