30 October 2018

Mogwai "Les Revenants EP" (2012) (ep)

Les Revenants EP
, ep
release date: Dec. 17, 2012
format: digital (4 x File, MP3 - ROCKACT73D)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,36]
producer: Mogwai
label: Rock Action Records - nationality: Scotland, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Wizard Motor" (4 / 5)

4 track ep release by Mogwai preceeding the release of the soundtrack album Les Revenants (Feb. 2013). Three of the compositions are also found on the full soundtrack album, although only the first track, "Wizard Motor" is kept (almost entirely) in this version, whereas the two other tracks (tracks #3 and #4) offer quite different arrangements, and the short track #2 doesn't figure on the soundtrack.
Just as with the full album, it's difficult to embrace these compositions as anything else than a music score, but "Wizard Motor" sticks out as a fabulous track that doesn't sound like anything else and simply makes it worth to know this ep.