12 January 2018

Mogwai "Rock Action" (2001)

Rock Action
release date: Apr. 2001
format: digital (8 x File, MP3)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Dave Fridmann
label: [PIAS] Recordings - nationality: Scotland, UK

3rd studio album by Mogwai with its title from the band's own label Rock Action Records (established in 1996) following two years after Come on Die Young sees the band embracing synthesizers and a more electronically-founded sound without losing touch with their beginnings with electric guitars, which in a way links this album with the bands more recent material. It contains 8 compositions with a total running time at just over 38 minutes making it one of the band's shortest full-length albums.
Rock Action is well-produced and the songs are rich in tone and colour making it one of the bands more varied albums.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, The Guardian, Q Magazine, NME, Rolling Stone 4 / 5 stars ]