11 August 2016

Kendrick Lamar "To Pimp a Butterfly" (2015)

To Pimp a Butterfly
release date: Mar. 15, 2015
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,28]
producer: various
label: Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE) - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 6. "u" (3 / 5) - 7. "Alright" (3,5 / 5) - 13. "The Blacker The Berry" (3 / 5) - 16. "Mortal Man"

3rd studio album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar produced by a long list of prominent (rap-)producers. The genre and styles are rap, hip hop [or at the moment referred to as conscious hip hop, which is to say: lyrics with a social / political engagement - and I mean... whenever wasn't hip hop that?], west coast hip hop with elements of neo-soul, funk and jazz.
The album has been praised by critics, it has been nominated and attributed a bunch of prizes, and... I don't see the hype, the fuzz, the buzz, nor the brilliance of this. I just don't. Maybe I'm blind and deaf 'cause all I find is rather boring, mostly. Sometimes annoying, and to sum up: not really of any interest.
The album could work Okay as background noise (only), but it's not really recommended.