08 July 2016

Chris Isaak "Silvertone" (1985)

Silvertone [debut]
release date: Jan. 10, 1985
format: cd (1987 reissue)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,56]
producer: Erik Jacobsen
label: Warner Bros. - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Dancin' " - 3. "Livin' for Your Lover" - 5. "Voodoo" - 6. "Funeral in the Rain"

Studio debut album by Chris Isaak named after his 3-piece backing band consisting of James Calvin Wilsey on guitar and lap steel, Prairie Prince on drums and with Chris Solberg on bass. The credit list on the back cover only enlists James Calvin Wilsey in the same character font as Isaak himself with production staff mentioned afterwards, which points to Wilsey's significance. It is after all his lap steel guitar and its 'surf rock' sound that has become a kind of a trademark of Isaak's.
I didn't come across this album until recently, and I must confess that it overshadows his more successful later releases. At this point he was overlooked in the chart lists and it wouldn't be until his "Wicked Game" single from '89 that he became an international star. Three of the album tracks (#1, #5 and #6) are issued on the Wicked Game compilation album from 1991.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]