08 January 2016

Michael Falch "Håbets Hotel" (1989)

Håbets Hotel
release date: 1989
format: cd (MdCD 6343)
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,64]
producer: Michael Falch
label: Medley Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 2. "Dage" - 4. "Min stjerne" - 9. "Himlen er næsten blå"

4th studio album by Michael Falch following De vildeste fugle (1988) is like that produced by Falch himself. The credit list is much like on the predecessor with recurring performances by guitarists Christian Arendt and Nils Henriksen, bassist Jens Rugsted, keyboardist Pete Repete, and drummer Jacob Sæther.
Stylistically, it may first appear as a close follow-up but it basically contains stylistic variations found on his other three solo albums, and it's generally an album recycling much of his older material.
I purchased this upon its release but soon found that I didn't like the album much, and I had tired of his mainstream-seeking pop / rock-style. It was to be my final vinyl purchase with new albums by Falch. I ended up reselling this a year or two later alongside the final album by Malurt, Falch's solo debut and his '88 album. Following this, Falch released Tossede verden (1990), after which he took part in the reformation of Malurt, which led to several releases with the band before he once again returned to his solo career with Stævnemøder (1996), Nye rejsende (1998), Lykkelig undervejs (2001), Falder du nu (2006), Sang til undren (2007), Fodspor i havet (Jan. 2010), and Sommeren kom ny tilbage (Oct. 2013).
Not recommended.