14 December 2014

Love Shop "Kærlighed og straf" (2014)

Kærlighed og straf
release date. Oct. 20, 2014
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,58]
producer: Mikkel Damgaard
label: A:larm Music / Playground - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Bellavista regn" - 2. "I morgen" - 4. "Nede ved floden" - 5. "Danmark Bye-Bye" (4 / 5) (live) - 6. "Den længste drøm er alt for kort" (live) - 7. "Tåreflammer ned" - 9. "Evaklubben" - 10. "Du kyssede morgenlyset bort"

10th studio album by Love Shop, or: released as 'cause the band is in essence reduced to a Jens Unmack solo project. However, it's a playground for this talented Danish artist to release material that has a more uptempo pop / rock feel than his releases under own his name tend to be. The album is likely an attempt to follow the strong Skandinavisk lyst from 2012 with its stronger synthpop sound thanks to Mikkel Damgaard's keyboards and programming, which stir up the old soul of the band but also takes its sound further up stream.
My initial verdict was a luke-warm reception, and I found it like a lesser copy of the band's most recent album, but I have come to enjoy it much more and on its own premises. It's slightly less synthpop based and frankly more in the tradition of the classic Love Shop albums, which I first saw as an attempt to revive the past, but it turns out to work more than just Okay. I do think, Unmack, with the aid of Damgaard's keyboards and programming, successfully has found back to the playground that once was by adding new dimensions to the picture.
This album is a grower and a recommended listen.

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[ read more: www.jensunmack.dk ]