15 December 2012

Love Shop "Skandinavisk lyst" (2012)

Skandinavisk lyst
release date: Oct. 12, 2012
format: cd (UNI 3718293)
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,82]
producer: Mikkel Damgaard
label: A:larm / Universal - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 2. "Kvælertag" - 3. "Himmelskibet" - 6. "Mere vil have mere" (live) - 7. "Skandinavisk lyst" - 9. "Skyggehjerte" (4 / 5) - 11. "Sommeren der aldrig kom"

9th studio album by Love Shop. Jens Unmack now single-handedly continues Love Shop and that's really just great news. The album, which is more of a collaboration work with producer and keyboardist, Mikkel Damgaard, really proves its purpose. It's the strongest album by the 'band' in 18 years (only surpassed by Billeder af verden, 1994, and Go!, 1997). The untouchable classic is "Skygehjerte" but other fine tracks are "Kvælertag", "Himmelskibet", "Mere vil have mere", and "Sommeren der aldrig kom". This fine release could be the result of great workmanship, or simply from playing together for many years, but could also be a product of their experiences from the previous album, Frelsens Hær (2010), on which I think, Mikkel Damgaard may have taken a too dominating role. On this, he sort of builds on, and contributes to, a Love Shop tradition (as developed by Unmack, Hassig and Hall) and simply adds his own personality and great ideas, which in the end, and in a most strange way, makes it an almost classic Love Shop release although the only founding member left, is Jens Unmack.
Album dedication: "In memoriam HH & HH", [Hilmer Hassig and Henrik Hall].
[ Gaffa.dk 4 / 5 stars - read more: www.jensunmack.dk ]