25 February 2014

Lloyd Cole "Don't Get Weird on Me Babe" (1991)

Don't Get Weird on Me Babe
release date: Jan. 21, 1991
format: vinyl / cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,52]
producer: Fred Maher, Lloyd Cole, Paul Hardiman
label: Polydor Records - nationality: England, UK

2nd solo studio album by Lloyd Cole is a turn to an even more singer / songwriter founded style compared to his debut. Again, Cole works with Blair Cowan who plays keyboard on the album.
I bought the album upon its release but never really enjoyed it as much as his previous album. I think, I found it too polished and missed the more uptempo jangle pop songs. Today, I consider this a better album. It's simply more of a whole, and the songs are lyrically better compositions.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5 stars ]