24 November 2014

Bo Kaspers Orkester "8" (2008)

release date: Sep. 24, 2008
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,18]
producer: Bo Kaspers Orkester
label: Columbia / Sony - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Stunder som den här" - 2. "Innan allt försvinner" - 7. "Det blir bättre sen" - 8. "Människor är djur" - 10. "Tack för konserten (din jävel)"

8th studio album by Bo Kaspers Orkester. The title refers to both year and album number. The music is a bit of a return to a more jazz pop universe than the two (fine) previous studio albums. I've always found this a bit of a dull album. Apparently, the track "Tack för konserten (din jävel)" is a tribute song to Swedish singer / songwriter Håkon Hellström whom Bo Sundström had just witnessed at a concert and then felt urged to write this song. The album is okay but not really recommendable. I just don't find obvious great tracks here. Several songs sound as older compositions by the band or are just too much alike other tracks on the album. The album reached number #2 on the Swedish album chart list.