16 July 2015

TV-2 "En dejlig torsdag" (1987)

En dejlig torsdag
release date: 1987
format: vinyl (450508 1) / digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,54]
producer: Greg Walsh
label: CBS Records - nationality: Denmark

6th studio album by Danish band TV-2 following the band's so far biggest success Rigtige mænd gider ikke høre mere vrøvl, and like that produced by Greg Walsh.
This time it's more obvious that band and producer attempts to reproduce what worked so well on their previous work; however, En dejlig torsdag doesn't quite deliver on the same level. Also, for the first time since the band's second album, the new album doesn't sell more albums than its predecessor, and this time only sells 50% of the '85 album.