25 June 2015

Peace, Love & Pitbulls "3" (1997)

release date: 1997
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,82]
producer: Sankan (aka Ulf Karl Sanken Sandqvist)
label: MVG Records - nationality: The Netherlands / Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Black Dog Bliss" - 3. "Caveman" - 7. "Youth"

3rd and final studio album by the Thåström-project band Peace, Love & Pitbulls - here in a minimised version as Peter Puders left Joakim Thåström, Niklas Hellberg and Sanken Sandqvist to continue and eventually also end the project as a trio.
Musically, there's considerable change towards both more melodic and slower songs within an industrial rock universe.
The album is imho, clearly the bands best without really impressing. It's still not really good, although, it remains the band's best attempt. After listening to this, you might suggest that bands like Rammstein and Marilyn Manson should pay tribute to Peace, Love & Pitbulls as inspirational source, and Brian Hugh Warner (Manson) has allegedly pointed out that he for one listened to PL&P.
Peace, Love & Pitbulls disbanded after this release and Thåström restarted his solo career.
Not really recommended.