04 October 2014

R.E.M. "Around the Sun" (2004)

Around the Sun
release date: Oct. 4, 2004
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,71]
producer: Pat McCarthy and R.E.M
label: Warner Bros. - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Leaving New York" (3,5 / 5) - 2. "Electron Blue" - 5. "Final Straw" - 9. "Aftermath"

13th studio album by R.E.M. For many 13 is anything but a lucky number [it also contains 13 tracks], and that fits perfectly on this band. 3 years after the promising Reveal (2001) they do the exact apposite from displaying greatness once again. Instead, they release their worst album to date - in all their career.
In 2003 they had launched what many thought was a single from a forthcoming album, "Bad Day", but that remained a single release, which isn't included here. Actually, that song appears on the 25th Anniversary Edition of Lifes Rich Pageant as a demo, which reveals how old it is. When I saw the video and listened to that song, I was struck by disappointment, and may totally have given up on the band. In hindsight the song isn't that bad after all, and knowing its age, it's more like the blueprint for "It's the End of the World..." from Document (1987).
Around the Sun is an album absent of great songs, with several compositions below the mediocre, and more than anything it displays a band just releasing something new as just to state: "hey, we're still around, although we really have nothing to say or show!". Apparently, guitarist Peter Buck agrees on this after their next album when he said that for him Around the Sun "... just wasn't really listenable, because it sounds like what it is, a bunch of people that are so bored with the material that they can't stand it any more."
[ allmusic.com 2 / 5, NME, Rolling Stone 3 / 5 stars ]

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