14 October 2015

Kashmir "Zitilites" (2003)

release date: Mar. 3, 2003
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,78]
producer: Kashmir
label: Sony - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Rocket Brothers" - 2. "Surfing the Warm Industry" - 7. "Ramparts"

4th studio album by Kashmir who basically continue its own blend founded on other artists' music. The title is a play with words as it's supposed to be pronounced "City Lights". The band has been expanded to a quartet as Henrik Lindstrand has joined as permanent member playing keyboards and guitar. Completely gone are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam influence. Radiohead ("Surfing the Warm Industry" and heard on other tracks) still plays a major role in shaping the band's musical universe but more so is Coldplay ("Rocket Brothers", "Ramparts", etc.) now a more obvious source of inspiration. Despite not really being a recommended listen, this is in my mind the band's best effort.