14 January 2018

Fingersnap "Smokehouse E.P." (2011) (ep)

Smokehouse E.P., ep [debut]
release date: Nov. 13, 2011
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5]

Tracklist: 1. "I Wanna Rise" - 2. "Some Kind of Masterpiece" (4 / 5) (rehearsal) - 3. "Mister" (4 / 5) - 4. "The Bishop of New Hampshire"

Studio album debut by Fingersnap is a 4-track cd released on Siskin Records. The band is a collaboration work featuring David McAlmont on vocals and with Guy Davies handling keyboards and piano. I almost always simply enjoy whatever McAlmont releases. He has one of the most fascinating voices of modern soul but really doesn't get the appreciation he deserves. Whether it has to do with his openness about his sexuality, or former (?) religious beliefs, it's really just a pity, 'cause this guy can sing like only few. Unfortunately, nothing else apart from a singles release has come from Fingersnap.

[ Interview on BBC, 2011 ] [ "Tears Dry on Their Own" signing cds ] [ "Blackbirds" live 2012 ]

My own signed copy