22 November 2014

Zucchero Fornaciari "Un po' di Zucchero" (1983)

Un po' di Zucchero [debut]
release date: Apr. 4, 1983
format: digital (reissue) (10 x File, MP3)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,48]
producer: Zucchero Fornaciari
label: Polydor - nationality: Italy

Track highlights: 1. "Una notte che vola via" (4 / 5) - 2. "Non aver paura" - 6. "Nuvola" (live al festival di San Remo) - 7. "Come l'aria" - 8. "Perchè sei bella" - 10. "Stiamo insieme"

Studio album debut by Zucchero is released as 'Zucchero Fornaciari' feature his two San Remo songs "Una notta che vola via" and "Nuvola".
The music is in an Italian singer / songwriter tradition which put him alongside contemporaries like Francesco De Gregori, Fabrizio De André, and Lucio Dalla. Aside from a folk rock-feel this also demonstrates a certain blues rock element that distinguishes him from his national contemporaries. At this point of his career it his not a dominating style, as would be later on, and the songs are mainly folk and singer / songwriter-founded with focus on narration.
A recommended album in any collection of Italian pop / rock.