21 November 2014

Zucchero Fornaciari

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Zucchero: (birthname: Adelmo Fornaciari, [aka Zucchero Fornaciari, aka Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari]; Sep. 25, 1955) was born in Roncocesi, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. He is perhaps the best selling Italian pop musician to date. His musical career began around 1970 playing with several bands, but it wasn't until he gained national success in 1981 with the band Taxi, as they won Castrocaro music festival. He then played at the biggest Italian music festival, San Remo, the following year, and in 1983 he released his solo album Un po' di Zucchero, which is a collection of poetic Italian blues rock and singer / songwriter ballads and pop / rock songs, styles he has kept to since then. He has released approx. 15 studio albums and has appeared on many more collaboration albums, and from 1990 he has gained international success based on his works with both European and American artists, but he has performed world-wide and has often had famous guest appearances in his live concerts. Many of his original Italian songs have been translated into English, starting with his international hit "Senza una donna" from Blue's (1987), which appears as a duet version with Paul Young on his first international release Zucchero (1990), an album that also includes the song "Wonderful World", originally from Oro incenso & birra (1989), now featuring Eric Clapton on the '90 release. 
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