03 January 2017

The Durutti Column "Sex and Death" (1994)

Sex and Death
release date: Nov. 1994
format: digital (facd2.01)
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,18]
producer: Stephen Street, Vini Reilly
label: Factory Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Anthony" - 2. "The Rest of My Life" - 3. "For Colette" - 6. "My Irascible Friend" - 7. "Believe in Me" - 11. "Madre Mio"

9th "real" studio album by The Durutti Column released on Factor Too and co-produced by Stephen Street and Vini Reilly. As on Obey the Time (1990) and the successor Fidelity (1996) Reilly has really picked up electronic as his new musical playground. It's still music created for guitar but in an ambient electronic soundscape with the addition of traditional strings (violin and cello), and this release is much more interesting. The album was released on the new-founded label Factory Too, founded by Tony Wilson (co-founder of Factory Records) in the ashes of Factory Records, however, this new label didn't survive long as it was closed in 1996.
Without being one of of his best, the album offers some fine compositions where the overall impression is that Reilly is still searching for his style.
[ allmusic.com 2 / 5 stars ]