17 June 2013


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Underworld: is a British electronic (primarily) house and progressive house trio, formed as a quintet in 1987 in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Karl Hyde and Rick Smith had played together since 1980 and throughout this period they mostly played new wave and / or funk-inspired music. With bassists Baz Allen and Alfie Thomas, and drummer Bryn Burrows the quintet formed Underworld and released its debut album, Underneath the Radar in 1988. After the departure of Burrows they released Change the Weather in 1989. Both albums were released to little interest and this formation of the band dissolved in 1990. Hyde and Smith stayed together working with art design in the Tomato design collective and they soon formed a trio with DJ Darren Emerson and began playing electronic music where they released singles and remixes as Lemon Interupt and Steppin' Razor before settling with their former name of Underworld. From hereon things started falling into place with their electronic style for which they today are renowned. From 2002 the band was back to the initial members of Hyde and Smith as Emerson left to engage himself in solo projects, but the duo managed to continue their well-known style founded on electronic house.
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