14 September 2013

T. Rex "T. Rex" (1970)

T. Rex
release date: Dec. 18, 1970
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,08]
producer: Tony Visconti
label: Fly Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 2. "Jewel" - 3. "The Visit" - 10. "One Inch Rock"

1st studio album release under the shortened name of T. Rex, and the 5th studio album after forming Tyrannosaurus Rex, thus not really a debut after all, but many official sites file it as such. This clearly shows the transition period of the band still playing psychedelic rock but also playing with new shorter, more simple compositions of glam rock - e.g. compare "The Visit" with "Pavillions of Sun" released as Tyrannosaurus Rex.