13 December 2013

Peter Sommer "Alt forladt" (2013)

Alt forladt
release date: Jan. 28, 2013
format: cd
[album rate: 2,5 / 5]

Tracklist: 1. "Pænt goddag, pænt farvel" (3,5 / 5) - 2. "Tvivlen er i huset (del 1)" (3 / 5) - 3. "Alt forladt" (3 / 5) - 4. "Hvorfor løb vi" (3,5 / 5) - 5. "Lamineret" (3 / 5) - 6. "Hvor langt skal vi ud" - 7. " 'For evigt' " (3,5 / 5) - 8. "Beruset" - 9. "Tvivlen er i huset (del 2)" - 10. "Mod nye højder"

Most recent singer / songwriter release by talented Peter Sommer. An album, I don't consider among his best. Actually, I really don't enjoy it that much. The lyrics are, as usual, really nice - strong poesy, nice wordplay, and personal / private deliverance. And maybe too much of the private stuff, though. The divorce from artist Lise Westzynthius is ever present on the album and makes it a mere private argument. Also, in hindsight, it comes close to nothing but his answer / remark to her album release Tæt på en kold favn (2012), which was her public diary and emotional detour due to their split. Alt forladt is his darkest release, and I come to think of Nick Cave, or Søren Huss, placing this in a neighborhood close to their with pain and suffering as a center point or driving force. The single release "Hvorfor løb vi" is nice but it quickly becomes annoyingly simple and too repetitious, a label that really fits several songs on the album. Maybe he should've released the songs as poems instead... 'cause I don't think the music is all that great. Normally, I don't mind simplistic compositions, and I enjoy Kraftwerk and the minimalism of Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, or Ryuichi Sakamoto, but the music on this album is not interesting, or near any sun beams. However, the lyrics seem important and could easily live on their own. It's really not his best, and actually, in my mind, his least interesting album. The best thing about it is almost the card-box package. It's a really fine cover design with b/w photos by Joachim Ladefoged and with all lyrics reproduced in the booklet.

~ ~ ~
"Nok legen hund efter pind
Nok være bakkende ud i det blå
Her har jeg sat foden ned
Og her har jeg valgt at lade smilet stå
Nær aldrig kommet hertil
Palmerne var til at overse
Nu er det mit mindste problem"

[ "Mod nye højder" ]