10 December 2012

Jens Unmack "Dagene løber som heste" (2009)

Dagene løber som heste
release date: Mar. 23, 2009
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,72]
producer: Nikolaj Nørlund
label: Auditorium / A:larm - nationality: Denmark

Tracklist: 1. "Piloten på sin allersidste dag" (live) - 2. "Dagene løber som heste" - 3. "Stjernelys" (4 / 5) - 4. "Hvis du tager mig med" (4,5 / 5) - 5. "Mænd uden ord" (4 / 5) - 6. "I de tabte sale" - 7. "Motorvej til himlen" - 8. "Steder hvor du bløder" - 9. "Vinterpalads" - 10. "Det eneste vi har"

3rd solo studio album by Jens Unmack again with Danish solo artist Nikolaj Nørlund as producer. The title is an abbreviated translation of Charles Bukowski's book of poems "The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills".
The album marks a change of style to a more chamber pop founded music, which suits Unmack's haunting lyrics nicely, but the collection of songs are also better balanced making it a more coherent album than his predecessor Aftenland Express (2007). With this he puts him in front of the majority of Danish songwriters, and the album is his so far finest solo release, although, it failed to attract a broader public. Several of the songs seem inspired by the loss of friend, co-founder, and guitarist of Love Shop, Hilmer Hassig.
[ read more: www.jensunmack.dk ]