19 September 2015

Bob Mould "Body of Song" (2005)

Body of Song
release date: Jul. 26, 2005
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,55]
producer: Bob Mould
label: Granary Music - nationality: USA

6th studio album by Bob Mould as solo artist follows more than three years after Modulate (Mar. 2002). Is this his worst album? I do believe it's one of them, anyway. Best news is that he has now abandoned the electro synth experiments and has returned to alt. rock and power pop, but the good songs are simply missing Bob! This is just mediocre and not really recommendable but it's better than his most recent career low point, Modulate.
Not recommendable.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5 stars ]