23 January 2016

Neil Young "Silver & Gold" (2000)

Silver & Gold
release date: Apr. 25, 2000
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,36]
producer: Neil Young, Ben Keith
label: Reprise Records, Germany - nationality: Canada

Track highlights: 1. "Good to See You" (4 / 5) - 2. "Silver & Gold" - 3. "Daddy Went Walkin'" - 4. "Buffalo Springfield Again" - 7. "Red Sun" - 8. "Distant Camera" - 9. "Razor Love"

24th studio album by Neil Young this time released as a solo album, and as often is the case when he chooses his solo works it's singer / songwriter and folk, and it's an album with strong bonds to Harvest, Comes a Time, and Harvest Moon.
Despite scarce instrumentation some tracks feature guest artists like Jim Keltner, Donald "Duck" Dunn, Oscar Butterworth, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt.
It's not truly great but it's quite fine and very enjoyable.
[ allmusic.com 3 / 5 stars ]