25 July 2015

Adrian Borland and The Citizens "Alexandria" (1989)

Alexandria [debut]
release date: 1989
format: vinyl (BIAS 125) / cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,16]
producer: Adrian Borland and Nick Robbins
label: Play It Again Sam - nationality: England, UK

Tracklist: 1. "Light the Sky" (4 / 5) - 2. "Rogue Beauty" (4 / 5) - 3. "Beneath the Big Wheel" - 4. "Community Call" (4 / 5) - 5. "No Ethereal" - 6. "Other Side of the World" - 7. "Crystalline" - 8. "Shadow of Your Grace" (4 / 5) - 9. "Weight of Stuff" - 10. "She's My Heroine" (4 / 5) - 11. "Deep Deep Blue"

The solo debut album by Adrian Borland after the disbandment of The Sound. The album was released under the name of Adrian Borland and The Citizens. It's more or less the sound of Adrian as we have come to know him from The Sound. He was THE driving force and songwriter of that band, and therefore his solo albums are closely related to the "old" musical universe. Maybe one could argue that he puts even more focus on the narrating element making the style a singer / songwriter release but still with traces of post-punk and alternative rock, however, he also expands his style to include more pop / rock tunes with plain chorus-based tracks, as in "Light the Sky", "Rogue Beauty", and "She's My Heroine". I think that both the record company and Adrian had hoped for more recognition when the album was launched, alas, it went more or less like the story of The Sound. He received good reviews but failed to gain more than a small devoted audience. The album was produced by Adrian and Nick Robbins (who also produced albums for The Sound) and Colvin Mayers the keyboardist of his old band also handles keyboards on this one.

[ collectors' item ]