05 June 2013

Coldplay "Mylo Xyloto" (2011)

Mylo Xyloto
release date: Oct. 24, 2011
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5]

Track highlights: 2. "Hurts Like Heaven" - 3. "Paradise" - 4. "Charlie Brown" - 7. "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" - 13. "Don't Let It Break Your Heart"

5th studio album by Coldplay after the live album LeftRightLeftRightLeft (2009). Again, a whole world counted downwards to this release as the release of a new iPhöne. I.just.never got that. They are capable of making one or two fine pop songs every now and then but as original musical artists, I really do not appreciate their sound or style. It works mighty all right as background noise. No one gets alarmed or upset. In fact it's more like supermarket muzak, and how funny it is that Mr. muzak himself, Brian Eno played a part in the production seat on this one.
To me, this is when mainstream music becomes really really indifferent.
[ allmusic.com, Rolling Stone 3,5 / 5, The Guardian 3 / 5, NME 2,5 / 5 stars ]