26 February 2013

Supertramp "Breakfast in America" (1979)

Breakfast in America
release date: Mar. 29, 1979
format: digital
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,68]
producer: Peter Henderson, Supertramp
label: A&M Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 2. "The Logical Song" (4 / 5) - 4. "Breakfast in America" - 10. "Child of Vision"

6th studio album by Supertramp. The album may be seen as the band's first full mainstream pop / rock album. Many consider it the band's best, which I think has to do with the "new" audience the band primarily attracted by the late 1970s. Critics are much divided when ranking the album. Yes, they sold millions of albums, gained their largest group of supporters, and experienced a lot of radio airplay, but except from the two hit singles, "The Logical Song" and the title track, I just find it of little interest, and only think of it as downright boring, and I think of it as closely related to the mainstream pop / rock by Genesis who also attracted a huge crowd of fans by making (safe) soft pop / rock. It is, however, the band's best selling album putting it as number #3 in the UK, but reaching number #1 in the US and many other countries including Canada, Germany, France, and Australia.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5, Mojo 4 / 5, Rolling Stone Album Guide, Uncut 3 / 5 stars ]