16 May 2018

Lisa Ekdahl "När alla vägar leder hem" (2017)

När alla vägar leder hem
release date: Feb. 17, 2017
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,68]
producer: Mathias Blomdahl & Lisa Ekdahl
label: Sony Music - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "När alla vägar leder hem" - 4. "Famna jorden" - 6. "Välkommen morgon" - 7. "Jorden runt solen" - 9. "Lite svikt i steget" - 10. "Amelia" - 12. "Om bare du" - 15. "Sol vind & vatten"

9th studio album (11th counting her two collaboration albums with Peter Nordahl Trio) by Lisa Ekdahl shows her in a more polished, mainstream pop with full orchestrated arrangements. It's still with some jazz pop sensation, yet the overall style is somewhere in-between a singer / songwriter universe of folk pop and parts of sheer pop.
Tracks #1-9 are labelled "När alla vägar leder hem" - implying these songs are her new album compositions, and tracks #10-16 are labelled "Tolkningar 'Så mycket bättre' " - all cover-versions as the subtitle suggests. On vinyl, the album is released as a double with the last seven tracks as the second record.
It's far from bad, and finally show us Ekdahl back with Swedish lyrics in the way she initially started out, and which has been put aside for some time. Some reviewers have observed that the album marks return to her original roots, and I do concede to that, although the main difference is that this one also contains broader arrangements; however, it's really nice to hear her back in her native tongue again continuing the Swedish singer / songwriter folk pop tradition.
Imho, the album is her third best overall.
[ Gaffa.dk 5 / 6 stars ]