25 April 2016

Sällskapet "Sällskapet" (2007)

Sällskapet [debut]
release date: Mar. 28, 2007
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,18]
producer: Sällskapet
label: Sonet / Universal - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "482 Mhz" - 4. "Nordlicht" - 8. "Järnstaden" - 9. "...den dan"

Studio debut album by the trio, Sällskapet [in English: The Company] founded in 2003 by primary vocalist Joakim Thåström, guitarist Pelle Ossler - also credited for bass and piano - and with keyboardist Niklas Hellberg - also credited for handling synthesizer and programming.
Thåström has been in and out of bands since his first trio, The Haters founded in 1977, and he must really enjoy the [creative] energies that may arise from working in a band or with a project-band. After closing the industrial metal-project Peace, Love & Pittbulls in '97, Thåström released the much-awaited return to a Swedish lyrical foundation with the solo albums Det är ni som e dom konstiga det är jag som e normal in '99, "Mannen som blev en gris" in 2002, and the acclaimed Skebokvarnsv. 209 in 2005 - and he could easily have continued a promising solo career, but it seems he has always been that sort of musician, who thrives on the search of new playgrounds for musical expressions.
And together with Ossler and Hellberg, for once, we find him in what appears to be a three-man project without Thåström in the lead. Yes, he is lead vocalist, but all musical and lyrical compositions as well as production is entirely in the hands of the band. Both Ossler and Hellberg played with Thåström on his latest two solo albums and Hellberg has worked with Thåström ever since the early 90s when they got together in Amsterdam and formed Peace, Love & Pittbulls.
Stylistically, Sällskapet is something else. Or: at least when comparing to what Thåström has been involved in since the 1970s. The music is in the electronic genre - far from what could be related to industrial styles as it may be referred to as minimal synth or minimal wave, and without being great, it's a fairly interesting and quite original release the three have put together.