11 January 2014

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark "Genetic Engineering" (1983) (single)

Genetic Engineering, 7'' single
release date: Feb. 11, 1983
format: vinyl (VS 527)
[single rate: 4 / 5] [4,12]
producer: Rhett Davies & OMD
label: Virgin / Telegraph - nationality: England, UK

Tracklist: A) "Genetic Engineering" (4,5 / 5) - - B) "4-Neu"

Single release from the forthcoming album Dazzle Ships released one month later.
After three successful albums, OMD returns to its roots of experimental electronic music influenced by musique concrete and Kraftwerk in particular.
The A-side is really far from anything by the famous German band, but it really was something else when it first came out. I recall buying the single without having heard it before. I hoped for and expected something like "Enola Gay", and was initially disappointed but after a few repeats quite soon embraced this new style by OMD. I still think it's one of their absolute best tracks, but also was saddened as the band didn't stay on this path after the splendid Dazzle Ships.