15 June 2012

Van Morrison "Tupelo Honey" (1971)

Tupelo Honey
release date: Oct. 15, 1971
format: cd (2008 remaster)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,48]
producer: Van Morrison, Ted Templeman
label: Exile / Polydor - nationality: Northern Ireland, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Wild Night" - 3. "Old Old Woodstock" - 5. "You're My Woman" - 6. "Tupelo Honey" - 9. "Moonshine Whiskey"

5th studio album by Van Morrison and originally released on Warner Bros is much of the continued journey from Street Choir with the addition of country rock. "Wild Night" and the title track are much like the presence of "Domino" on the previous album: great tracks that seem a bit on their own 'cause they are fuelled with r&b and soul whereas the rest are like Morrison trying to make a crossing of The Band meets Neil Young doing his country rock. Morrison sings so strongly that you almost see through the fact that the album hasn't many great and memorable tracks.
Although, this one is slightly better, it's easy comparing it with Street Choir, as they are both fine albums - clearly miles from mediocrity - but compared to the strengths of Astral Weeks and Moondance... they simply lack greatness.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5, Uncut 4 / 5, Rolling Stone 5 / 5 stars ]