02 October 2017

Jensen "One Fine Day" (2001)

One Fine Day
release date: Mar. 2001
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,92]
producer: Kasper Winding
label: Virgin Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "One Fine Day" - 2. "When You Smile" - 5. "Spring" - 6. "In Between"

Studio solo debut by Allan (Bondo) Jensen former vocalist of Gangway with an album released under the name of Jensen. The album is produced by Kasper Winding who also produced the final album by Gangway: That's Life (Sep. 1996). All eleven songs are credited Jensen - which is mildly surprising as he except from two to three songs exclusively delivered vocal throughout the discography of Gangway, and producer Winding is additionally (only) credited engineering and some backing vocals. The album has a total running time of 40 minutes.
Stylewise, it doesn't fall far from what Gangway delivered on their '96 album - with less focus on electronica and synthpop it's more of a softer version of contemporary pop with focus on melodic harmonies, and then the lyrics are all without the ironic tone that always stuck to the lyrics by Henrik Balling.
The title track, which was picked as promotional single, experienced some airplay, and that's also the best track on an album that mostly places itself in an anonymous corner without intentions to stir up anything, except perhaps good vibes. The album cover art - front, back, and tray - underlines the positivity of Jensen's mood: it's all about smiles, sunny weather and being happy all over.
After a good start the album soon comes to a stand-still and never really reveal anything but intentions to spread universal happiness via sugary arrangements and Jensen's expressionless vocal topping generic pop songs of little originality.