06 July 2017

Natalie Merchant "The House Carpenter's Daughter" (2003)

The House Carpenter's Daughter
release date: Sep. 16, 2003
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,04]
producer: Natalie Merchant
label: Myth America Records - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Sally Ann" - 2. "Which Side Are You On?" - 5. "Weeping Pilgrim" -7. "Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow"

4th studio album by Natalie Merchant is her first album release on her own independent label, Myth America Records and it has the subtitle "A Collection of Traditional and Contemporary Folk Music". It marks a substantial change in style towards traditional folk as a majority (7 out of 11) of the tracks are traditionals rearranged by Merchant. The remaining 4 tracks are songs written by others, which means that the album doesn't contain songs written by Merchant herself.
It's a very scraped down album with only few instruments - some songs appear as vocal with strings only, and it may only appeal to people who prefer [traditional] folk. I don't really enjoy this much. Yes, Merchant has a fine singing voice, but I don't think she challenges that one particular well on this.
[ allmusic.com, Uncut 4 / 5, Rolling Stone, Mojo 3 / 5 stars ]