02 June 2017

Mew "Visuals" (2017)

release date: Apr. 28, 2017
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,64]
producer: Mew
label: PIAS - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Nothingness and No Regrets" - 2. "The Wake of Your Life" (live) - 3. "Candy Pieces All Smeared Out" - 4. "In a Better Place" - 6. "Learn Our Crystals" - 9. "85 Videos" (4 / 5) - 11. "Carry Me to Safety"
[ album sampler ]

7th studio album by Mew, the band's first after guitarist and founding member Bo Madsen left the band, which is once again reduced to a trio.
The album contains a refreshing and straightforward tone and seems free of strong thoughts on form over matter. There's a continued lightness, which also was found on the predecessor from 2015. The loss of Bo Madsen is there - the guitar has not been put in the hands of a substitute, although Mads Wegner is credited for additional guitar. instead keyboards play a bigger part on this, which is a small downside.
I find it very much on par with the fine + - from 2015 despite not having the obvious top quality singles. Tracks #2 and #9 are clearly the best, but I also find that others win in the longer run, so give it time and more than a few spins.
[ allmusic.com 3,5 / 5, PopMatters 4 / 5 stars ]

official cover