26 November 2015

Daniel Ash "Foolish Thing Desire" (1992)

Foolish Thing Desire
release date: 1992
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,15]
producer: Daniel Ash and John A. Rivers
label: Beggars Banquet - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Here She Comes" - 2. "Foolish Thing Desire" - 3. "Bluebird" - 5. "Get Out of Control" - 6. "The Void" - 8. "Here She Comes Again"

2nd solo album by Daniel Ash continues the style from his fine debut from 1991. It's alt. rock with the same mix of styles including glam rock, psychedelic rock, surf rock and gothic rock. The whole thing is nicely put together in what bonds with glamorish Phil Spector production with a touch of Bolan / Bowie. Most tracks are co-written with producer John A. Rivers, with whom Ash has worked many times since Rivers produced the debut album for Love and Rockets in '85. Instead of collaborating with Kevin Haskins, Rivers has been put in charge of drum programming ion this album, which isn't all bad, it just doesn't have any noticeable complexity in the rhythm section, and that makes it somewhat less successful. Generally, it's fine - it just lacks that little extra novelty dimension that his first solo leaked, and it's a bit like the expected sequel - the missing bonus disc of the debut, which doesn't add much new to the old sensation.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]