22 October 2014

Bo Kaspers Orkester "I centrum" (1998)

I centrum
release date: Sep. 28, 1998
format: digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5]
producer: Bo Kaspers Orkester
label: Sony / Columbia - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 1. "Allt ljus på mig" - 2. "En jävel vid mitt öra" - 3. "Undantag" - 5. "Vissa har det" - 7. "Fyrarättersmål"

4th studio album by Bo Kaspers Orkester is yet another smooth and jazzy album, much on par with its predecessor Amerika (1996). The style is almost identical, only here the band introduces bossa nova inspired tracks. It's hard really to put a finger on exactly what it is, and despite a couple of rather fine tracks (#1 and #3), I just find it only slightly above average. This is the first album without former guitarist Lars Halapi, and now keyboardist Mats Asplén also plays guitar.
The album was well-received in Sweden where it was the band's first album to top the albums chart list, a position it copied in Norway.