27 November 2014

Jello Biafra and The Guantanamo School of Medicine "The Audacity of Hype" (2009)

The Audacity of Hype [debut]
release date: Oct. 20, 2009
format: digital
[album rate: 2 / 5] [2,18]
producer: Jello Biafra
label: Alternative Tentacles - nationality: USA

Studio debut by Jello Biafra and The Guantanamo School of Medicine. The album is an actual band release after Biafra's most recent spoken word album In the Grip of Official Treason (2006), and his involvement in various collaboration works, and releases with industrial metal band Pigface. The style seems like a clone of whatever he has been involved in since the late 1970s, which is a huge pothole of punk-related music. This is hardcore punk, and as such the closest one could imagine would have been the result if Dead Kennedys had stayed an active band, although, there's some industrial rock to it, which mostly points to Biafra's former band, Lard. It's also tight alt. rock, but I don't find it that interesting, as it just sounds like angry old men / punk rockers, who don't have much new to say and the tracks are simply too much alike making it much on par with Sieg Howdy!.
[ allmusic.com 3 / 5 stars ]