14 June 2014

PJ Harvey "Rid of Me" (1993)

Rid of Me
release date: May 4, 1993
format: cd
[album rate: 4 / 5] [4,04]
producer: Steve Albini
label: Island Records - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Rid of Me" - 2. "Missed" - 5. "Hook" - 7. "Highway '61 Revisited" - 8. "50ft Queenie" - 9. "Yuri-G" - 10. "Man-Size" - 12. "Me-Jane"

2nd studio album release by PJ Harvey released on Island Records and produced by Steve Albini. One year earlier the debut album from '92 put her on everyone's lips, but with this album she reached her highest position on the album chart list in the UK, and although, she now had a famous American producer behind the album, it didn't get much attention in the US. The style is pretty much the same as her debut album, only, this one has a more heavy alt. rock production on top, which makes it slightly louder, more electrifying, but not angrier than Dry.
Together with her debut and her 2000 album, I think, this is one of her 3 best albums ever. She was nominated (for the first time) to the Mercury Prize Award in 1993, which was handed to Suede for their homonymous debut album. This is the second consecutive album by PJ Harvey to be enlisted in "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die".
[ allmusic.com 5 / 5, NME 4 / 5 stars ]